
Random Rant II

Okay, I know we all tuned into the MTB4 Finale last night why does diddy keep these antics up..

Still on the MTB4 topic….Diddy had me die’n laughing when Sway was talking to him…& I’ve noticed it in past episodes 2…..WHY when he always finish talking he gives that damn Derrick Zoolander look with the perched mouth and squinted glare..

Could Que’s hair get ANY slicker? It looked like a cat licked it..but that was nice of him 2 fight his womans battles

I think there's still beef with Dawn & Aubrey bcz when Sway announced she was coming out.. Dawn gave this look of disgust!

I am soooooooooo sick & tired of this damn scarf trend ever since school has started that's all i've been seeing.... PEOPLE IT'S FUCKING 85 degrees and THEN some had the nerve 2 wear fur boots with it honestly it's okay 2 be trendy & how there's no pain when it comes 2 fashion... I refuse 2 suffer from heat asphyxiation just 2 look trendy!

Why do asian people say the most funniest stuff!! it's like they don't know the adage "some things are better left unsaid" my art history teacher calls this guy a girl almost everyday & we've told her too many times that he's a dude....& she tells us.. "welllll, he start to look a lot-a like-a girl" & yes that's how she really talks..she gives me my kicks & giggles 4 the morning

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